Welcome To The Rooted Healing Sanctuary

Holistic Sex & Relationship Therapy

Alexandria is dedicated to helping you work through to resolve sexual problems and enhancing sexual relationships.

Sexual problems are so prevalent, that nearly two thirds of all people will experience them at some time during their lives.

Rooted Healing Sanctuary offers an interwoven approach that includes modalities such as family systems, behavioral, mindfulness based cognitive, narrative, psychodynamic, and somatic therapy in resolving sexual problems. Though treatments can be done on an individual basis, I encourage couples, alt. relationships, and families to work together.

Yoga Sex Therapy

Alexandria works to Integrate yoga into sex therapy, which allows clients and their partners to experience and practice safe and fun touch without the pressure of having to perform sexually. 

You might ask what in the world happens during a yoga sex therapy? Yoga Sex therapy happens with clothing on.  There is nothing directly arousing or sexual about yoga sex therapy.   The hour is spent doing traditional yoga similar to a yoga class. There are  specifically tailored directions focused on sensation and touch pertinent to what brought you to sex therapy.  The yoga poses and work are used as a metaphor for sexual experiences.  People generally leave feeling relaxed and connected or having giggled some (or a lot). 

Yoga, Meditation, Reiki, and Tantra

Alexandria provides a free Monday Night Sadhana

Alexandria received her 500Hr Yoga Teacher Certification and Meditation Certification from SoulWork, and her Reiki Master Certification from ReikibyRickie. Her mentors are Rickie from Reiki by Rickie, Stephanie from Online Yoga School, and Adi Shakti, the Akhanda lineage. Alexandria offers private and group led experiences that allow you to deepen your spiritual practice. She carefully curates a trauma informed approach to sharing yoga and meditation. If you are interested in private services or dropping in for free yoga on Monday’s once a month, register below.

Ancestral knowledge carried:

Yogrishi Vishvketu,

Nath Shiv Lineage,

Patanjali's Yoga Sutras,

Hatha Yoga Pradipika

Make it stand out.

Join us for Retreat in 2025

In order to heal we must go to the root of our wounds and kiss them all the way up


Providing you with a safe space to open your heart and share your story

All your appointments will take place in our soothing office environment with fully private rooms, complimentary tea and water, and individualized care.


In-person and remote options

Our office is conveniently located off Progress Ave in Harrisburg. Can’t make it into the office? No worries – we’ve got you covered with teletherapy.

Rooted Healing Services

Meet Alexandria Love

Alexandria Lynn Jones MSW, LMSW, Founder


“Alexandria is the first therapist I have had, that built an atmosphere in which I have felt safe to truly share without judgement in order to grow. Her advice has been extremely valuable to me and I look forward to continuing the improvements in my life.”

P.H.-Rooted Healing Sanctuary Client

“So appreciative to what you have been able to open in my eyes, my self, and move to be my best self, and think about ME first. For that I am so grateful.”

D.C.-Rooted Healing Sanctuary Client

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Choose a Path of Love

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The Tantra of Academia (in progress)

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The Mountain, The Mermaid, & The Mushroom (in progress)

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